How to Partner with xTuple
How to Partner with xTuple
Are you a business management software Value-Added Reseller (VAR)? Or looking to integrate your applications with xTuple solutions? Or interested in exploring an arrangement to develop new business channels and grow revenue? Perhaps an accounting professional seeking the right software solution for your clients? Let's talk.

Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International® (FMA) — professional organization of metal fabricators and equipment manufacturers working together to improve the metal processing, forming and fabricating industries.

xTuple Forms delivers business software compatible tax forms, pre-printed checks, envelopes and business supplies to work with your xTuple ERP. Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI) Certified. Order by phone, fax, mail or online. Free samples.

HRIC is one of 10 regional members of Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) Tech Council Network, originally formed in 1996 to help advance economic development through technology business initiatives and education with political, civic and business leaders.

Virginia Economic Development Partnership cultivates new business investment, fosters international trade growth, and helps existing Virginia businesses expand. xTuple is a graduate of VEDP’s Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET) program. connects industrial buyers with suppliers and is the go-to, trusted resource for thousands of engineering, operations, plant/facility management, and procurement/purchasing executives — the entire supply chain at your fingertips.

Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) is the principal trade association for the software and digital content industry, accelerating innovation in technology, data and media for leading companies that are setting the pace for the digital age.

Trade Service helps trading partners in multiple vertical categories communicate and find product data and material pricing in order to maintain accuracy in their estimating software database. Maintain your xTuple ERP with quality data.

Equity Plumbing is a national marketing group providing a wide range of resources and services to independent wholesale plumbing / PVF distributors and manufacturers with a collective purchasing power approaching $2 billion annually.

Established by National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED), IDEA is the official technology service provider and eBusiness standards body of the electrical industry.

The National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) is the central voice of the nation's electrical distributors and their affiliates — providing tools, information and assistance to help improve the electrical distribution channel.

The Association for Hose & Accessories Distribution (NAHAD) is a professional community of distributors and manufacturers of hose, tubing, couplings, fittings, clamps, accessories; serving the worldwide industrial marketplace.