A new xTuple University video series presented by xTuple Product Evangelist Mike Atherton steps viewers through the xTuple order-to-cash (O2C) flow process. For anyone who isn't familiar already with this process flow in xTuple, I highly recommend you watch this series of videos. Mike has managed to present this material in easily digestible, bite-sized chunks. Most of the videos clock in around five minutes each. All told, the entire series runs roughly 45 minutes.
If all you want is an overview, feel free to skip to the end and watch the last video, #7 O2C all-in-one video. In the concluding video, Mike comes full circle and shows the entire process flow from start to finish. However, if you want to dig deeper and learn more about how xTuple ERP can be used to manage O2C in your complex manufacturing or distribution environment, then I highly recommend you start at the beginning. It never ceases to amaze me how well xTuple manages complicated business scenarios — and Mike does a great job of explaining all the steps clearly, in a way that is easy to understand.
- The first video in the series begins with Mike entering a quote for a customer. When the quote is accepted, it gets converted to a sales order — and this firm sales order establishes the real demand which all the rest of the steps flow directly from.
- Mike demonstrates the commercial planning features of xTuple ERP in the second video. The material requirements planning (MRP) system is run to reveal that finished goods need to be manufactured to meet the sales demand. Materials must also be purchased to support manufacturing. Planned orders are generated and then released so they may be acted on.
- In the third video, Mike demonstrates the purchasing and payables side of the equation. Purchased materials are received into inventory, after which he cuts a check to the supplying vendor.
- Manufacturing the finished goods is covered in the fourth video. Here we see how work orders can be generated automatically when linked to sales orders. Production is posted, using the automated backflushing capability, and the needed stock is put into inventory.
- Finally, in the fifth video, the product is shipped to the customer, which generates an email with the invoice attached. Once we receive the customer's check, it's applied to the open invoice and the O2C cycle is complete!
- The sixth video takes a look at the financial results of the O2C process flow. While reviewing transactions in the general ledger, Mike demonstrates how easy it is to drill down from the ledger back to the original source documents.
- In the final seventh video, Mike runs through the entire O2C cycle so we can see how all the parts fit together. Again, if all you want is a general overview, this last video is a good place to start.
Let me know what other video instruction you could use to learn about — and get the most value from — xTuple.