As large corporations continue to freeze hiring or lay off workers, more and more people are opting to forge their own path as entrepreneurs. Starting a business is not a cakewalk; even the most modest of start-ups require some very basic tools. Typically, one of the first items on the list is a computer with business accounting software to track activities such as customer info, expenses and revenue. However, there is such a wide spectrum of options available in terms of cost it's difficult to determine what's necessary and what's not.
It can be an eye opening experience to discover the cost of the software tools you may be accustom to using when working for larger employers. Sarah Needleman recently published an article in The Wall Street Journal called "Spending Wisely on Technology," which primarily discussed doing your homework and exploring your options when purchasing software and hardware.
xTuple business management software has made at least one decision easier for entrepreneurs. xTuple wants to see business owners start off right with the professional tools they need to grow as the business flourishes. PostBooks® is a full featured, fully integrated accounting, sales, and operation management system that is available at no cost.
What's the catch? There is none. Really! Of course, there are other products available at xTuple for purchase, but those are optional and primarily for companies which are on the growth path and need more robust tools. PostBooks® will get you started so you can focus on making money instead of spending it!
Photo credit: Hal Mayforth, from The Wall Street Journal article