Last week Roy Sutton, developer relations engineer at Hewlett Packard's Enyo group, dropped by the xTuple home office. Roy presented Enyo, the JavaScript development framework, to xTuplers and to developers from other companies here in Norfolk Virginia's downtown innovation corridor.
Enyo, originally developed for the HP TouchPad, has been updated to work on all modern browsers, mobile and desktop. It is not just another JavaScript framework; its a powerful tool for building web-based applications that are fast, sophisticated and able to run on tablets, mobile phones and desktop web browsers. Enyo is a key component in xTuple's own mobile web strategy.
The full presentation is available here and at the xTuple channel on YouTube.
xTuple's open source repository for the new Mobile Web app is available at http://xtuple.github.io/.
For further reference, visit John Rogelstad's blog post on Enyo, A Shorter Letter and http://EnyoJS.com.