Technology endures at the forefront of a generational change in business. The haves and the have-nots (or the on-boards and not-on-boards) show us a digital divide that is ever widening.
The recent National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) National Meeting held in Boston, Massachusetts, was another excellent example of how a national association can and does help its members. In this case, it's electrical distributors — and borrowing from the U.S. military slogan — NAED helps them be all that they can be. Embracing technology is one of those help factors as NAED has a robust Allied Partner Program.
I attended the National Meeting with xTuple VP of Sales Wally Tonra and agree with the bloggers at ElectricalTrends' NAED Annual recap that technology is experiencing a generational change. And xTuple is right in the middle of it, especially since our business management software runs on Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac and modern mobile platforms, making it easier for small and large, young and old, technical and not-so-technical, to work together.
For example, on the distribution-specific side of software, xTuple for Wholesale Distribution (xWD) features an External Vendor Catalog that serves as the on-ramp to connecting to the new world of digital images available from Trade Service, IDEA and the manufacturers themselves. Associations like NAED are helping their members get-on-board with technology, as easily and as cost-effectively as possible.

At NAED National: Bill Russell of Boston Celtics fame with Wally Tonra, xTuple