Few can deny the success Apple has enjoyed over the last several years as we've watched people all around us move from dumb phone users straight to iPhone junkies. Sure, Google's Android is successful, but every day more and more people I know get to the Internet, their email and their Facebook accounts through i-Devices of one sort or another. Apple technology is everywhere. Next week at Macworld-iWorld, 25,000+ fans of all things Apple will converge on San Franscisco. xTuple will be right there in the middle of it all.
As the professional and recreational users of Apple technology come together for the annual Apple #iFan get together, xTuple will exhibit in the software section known as Appapolooza!. Apple junkies in the xTuple community unite! If you are in the area, or plan to attend the show, come see us.
Macworld-iWorld is a crazy jumble of everything Apple from business software like xTuple, to design software to music making software to iPhone cases and bags. For Apple fan-boys (not excluding myself here), it's like Christmas! Aisles and aisles of must-have stuff. The great part for xTuple is that among all the accessories and fun stuff, real business people show up looking for real business solutions. If you count yourself among those, please come to the Moscone West and spend some time with us. See the World's #1 Open Source ERP solution — with an exciting new Mobile CRM app that runs just great on iPhones and iPads of all sizes (among all the other smart devices) in all sorts of cases.
See you there. Email me for your free Macworld-iWorld pass and let us know you are coming or set a time to meet in San Francisco.