Just 10 days into haxTuple now, and the competition is gaining momentum. We've posted a haxTuple leaderboard, separately tracking bug fixes and extensions to xTuple.
In the spirit of the competition, of course, the leaderboard *itself* is a haxTuple project, from the talented Linda Nichols. Keep following along to see who's going to come out on top! xTuple employees, of course, are ineligible for prizes, despite our tireless toils. xTuple partners worldwide ARE eligible, as well as anyone else in the global open source community.
Lots of exciting activity around building extensions this year, although some have not posted their projects to the leaderboard as yet. Read about a Brazilian open source developer's work here.
Reminder: Prizes include a genuine Google Glass (cash value $1,500), mobile warehouse barcode scanner (cash value $1,000), geeky gear, and a chance to meet Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and receive your prizes to the adoring cheers of open source fans at our Community Awards Dinner during xTupleCon14!
In case you missed it, we recorded the kick-off webinar, and have posted the video here on YouTube, for your convenience. All of the details and links are available on our haxTuple wiki page.
Thanks for joining in! Look for important competition updates from CEO Ned Lilly in our next xTupler e-newsletter [subscribe here].
Here is the direct link to the leaderboard: http://xtuple-dashboard.herokuapp.com/haxtuple