We are happy to welcome Ellen Diggs to the xTuple community as our new Director of Professional Services. She brings a deep background with ERP, manufacturing, and quality systems to xTuple. And, she's arrived just in time to take part in our late-summer services promotion, which we call "Your Moment of Truth." Read more on the 2013 upgrade and consulting rewards.
The headline may be about "Your Moment of Truth" — the bottom line is deep discounts — if you pre-purchase consulting help for upgrades or other professional services. The sooner you buy, the larger (and more impactful to your organization's bottom line) is the discount.
We're also offering great deals for users interested in upgrading — from PostBooks® to any commercial edition, or even from one commercial offering to another. Particularly for PostBooks® users who have already obtained a (free) license key from us, you can save 35% on an upgrade to ANY commercial edition of xTuple!
Read more on both promotions here. And please join us in welcoming Ellen to xTuple. She will take great care of you and your next (or current) project.