xTuple has long enjoyed a reputation as being extremely responsive to our community when it comes to improving product quality, as evidenced by our third prize-filled haxTuple bug-squashing competition. Or the fact that our developers lead the world among open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects in resolving reported bugs, with a close rate of over 94%, according to statistics collected.
We are also listening to your requests with regard to training. The future of training, especially technology-focused, is online, self-guided, and video-based. With that in mind, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of xTuple University — an online learning center for the xTuple community. As I mentioned in our kick-off webinar on August 20th, the xTupleU launch includes a free beta period for the first two months. The free beta continues through the end of #xTupleCon14 (October 13-18). That's two months of full access to the complete video library, currently over 80 videos. This is all new content, published now for the first time, with more subject matter expertise added daily.
I hope you take a moment to register for your free beta account at xTupleU. During the beta period, you have complimentary, unlimited access to all of the training videos on the site. We look forward to your visit — and be sure to bookmark xTupleU as a site you come back to often. Over the next two months (and beyond) we will add new videos on a regular basis. Current topics range from operations to accounting and system administration to software development. Both the Desktop client and the new Mobile Web client are featured, as is the new xTuple Server which they share.
We are also looking for community feedback. Let us know what topics you are interested in learning more about. And if you're a content expert who would like to get involved contributing videos, we would welcome your involvement, too.
xTupleU will deliver a professional development foundation for users of xTuple software products (and for those in the evaluation process) with self-paced courses available wherever you are, day or night. All you need is access to the Internet and a computer, tablet, or even a smartphone — at home, during work, at the library or your favorite coffee shop. Learn more about xTupleU to increase your operational efficiency and manage projects, from anywhere, anytime, with xTuple — the World's #1 Open Source ERP.