Top Open Source Community Awards Announced at xTupleCon 2014 — Business partners receive accolades for achievement in sales, technical expertise, implementation success, and customer support and satisfaction
Read more at: http://www.xtuple.com/press/top-open-source-community-awards-announced-xtuplecon14
xTuple’s Global Conference proves business value of Open Source — Event emphasizes “365 Days to Return on Investment” achieved with improved business processes and supply chain operational benefits
Read more at http://www.xtuple.com/press/xtuple-global-conference-proves-business-value-of-open-source
Congratulations to all award winners and many thanks to #xTupleCon14 attendees for your contributions at the event (and post-event feedback) to help make our community even more vibrant!
Pre-Conference Workshop Pass-holders Content
All pre-conference pass-holders may view video from all workshops, including video, presentations (PDF or Prezi) and any worksheets provided.
Main Conference Pass-holders Content
All other pass-holders may view the conference's keynotes and sessions held Wednesday-Thursday, October 15-16, 2014, including video, presentations (PDF or Prezi) and any worksheets provided.
xTupleCon14 Mobile Conference App
Available until September 2015 for Android (Google Play), Apple (iTunes), and Kindle (Amazon) devices. Use the app to watch for future "Save the Date" announcements. The mobile app has everything you need to know about your conference - all paperless! It's how you can provide feedback on every session and speaker. No smartphone or tablet? You can still get updates, all logistics, agenda, every question answered, all available on the website here: xTupleCon14 Conference.
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