While considering the certain path of self destruction you are currently embarked on due to the cannibalistic frenzy in which you are consuming your limited planetary resources I was struck by a certain sadness when I realized how boring life in the Q Continuum is in the future without human drama to entertain me. So I have decided it is in your best interest for me to save you from yourselves, at least for a while anyway.
You will find that I have unilaterally created a new "Green" version of OpenRPT that will be included in all distributions of xTuple both past and present. This new version will remove the ability to print documents to paper by limiting all printing to preview mode only. This will save approximately 1,309,671,572,022 tons of paper annually, which in terms of tree consumption is roughly the forest coverage of Alaska. This unconsumed tree coverage should ensure your ability to breath for at least the next few centuries so you have enough time to learn how to escape the orbit of your little planet.
My version of OpenRPT couldn't come at a better time as it also couples perfectly with xTuple's foray into Cloud computing. xTuple may now proudly announce for April Release: