Cash Commissions: This package created a report keying on cash receipts to determine commission payable. Logic was included to prorate commission based upon how much of the invoice was being paid and how much of the invoice was commissionable. Commission rates were assigned at the sales rep level with two (2) different commission rates based on product category. There was also the abilty to set a commission rate at the item level.
A commission is a fee that a business pays to a salesperson in exchange for his or her services in either facilitating or completing a sale. Calculating a sales commission depends on the structure of the underlying commission agreement.
Open source makes it easier to customize xTuple to your needs. Custom Feature Enhancements — developed for customers by xTuple's Custom Development team, including our global value-added reseller partner channel — range from changing the placement of a single button to adding complex new functionality, such as Cut Pieces, a custom-developed package.