Rev Up the Value of Your ERP Data

Companies who utilize business intelligence with their ERP system get the most value and are more likely to implement business performance improvements. These are the results of Aberdeen's 2011 ERP survey of 549 organizations (see ERP Plus BI: Maximizing the Return on Your ERP).

What is Business Intelligence? Explore, analyze and understand your data, at-a-glance. See your key performance indicators, perform historical analysis to see trends, and review data from different points of view.

Top performing organizations integrate BI with their ERP solution and are more productive as they have better visibility for decision-making.

  • When BI is integrated with ERP, Managers are 24% more likely to find information required compared with organizations that use ERP alone.
  • Knowledge workers spend 6.2 hours looking for information, but only 4.2 hours when BI is integrated with ERP.

Also, organizations that ally BI with ERP are twice are likely to have have a performance-driven culture that drives accountability. And they are twice as likely to have an open exchange of operational data across business functions.

To see how you can integrate BI with xTupe, see ERP BI Solutions.

Jeff Gunderson

Software Development at xTuple, 2013 – 2014

Jeff Gunderson is the founder of ERP BI Solutions provides business intelligence solutions for popular open source ERP systems including PostBooks® and xTuple ERP. Solutions are designed using data warehousing best practices and are built on best-of-breed open source BI technology giving you cost effective, innovative business intelligence.