I am Jen Hobbs, xTuple Graphic Artist. As you all have noticed over the past few months, the marketing department has been working hard to update the xTuple.com website. The new look and functionality has inspired a website clean up for all of the pages. Each individual page is being updated, and the new organization of the pages makes the site easier to navigate.
One of my recent projects was to revamp the Customers & Reviews pages. The new page has updated case studies and user reviews from all over the web, not to mention our new video testimonials. We have also provided links to customer websites for some of our customers for which we do not yet have a review. The customer website links help show potential customers the range of company types and sizes where xTuple software can successfully be used.
If you have any suggestions for the Customers & Reviews page or if your company would like to be listed on the page or interviewed, please let the xTuple Marketing Team know.