Version 4.10.1 || March 2017
xTuple open source ERP+CRM 4.10.1 patch release is now available for download from xTuple's GitHub repository or the xTuple PostBooks® project page on SourceForge. This release includes fixes for almost 40 bugs. The commercial editions and extension packages can be downloaded by commercial customers from xTuple's Community Website. See more information about deploying this release in the detailed 4.10.1 Release Notes on GitHub.
Note: Mac users may need to refer to How to Open the xTuple ERP CRM Desktop Client on your Mac when warned by Gatekeeper about Unidentified Developers
Thanks to all who contributed to make this release possible.
A number of bugs have been fixed since the xTuple ERP+CRM 4.10.0 release.
Note: You will need PostgreSQL 9.3, 9.4, or 9.5 to use this release, with the following two PostgreSQL extensions:
- plv8 — See our GitHub wiki for more information on how to install plv8 and a blog post describing plv8 and why we introduced this new dependency
- ossp-uuid — If you built PostgreSQL from source code, you might have to rebuild it. Make sure to include the --with-ossp-uuid option for the configure command. See our instructions for building PostgreSQL for details. These need to be installed on the database server, not client machines.
No new features were added with the release of 4.10.1. This is a patch release.
Bug Fixes
- Addressed issue #29190 Update key in PostBooks databases
- Addressed issue #27709 Altering Customer Number in ERP when account is created by xTupleCommerce
- Fixed issue #23812 Customer P/Ns copying incorrectly from Adv Item Search to Order/Quote
- Fixed issue #27450 'Select Number' dialog is displayed in Vendor WorkBench screen irrelevantly
- Fixed issue #27705 Possible confusion over where characteristics can be used
- Fixed issue #27812 Qt5 Lin/Win client windows open with banner off screen
- Fixed issue #28597 Error AP Credit Memo application
- Fixed issue #28627 “Ship Via” field on vendors isn't a dropdown
- Fixed issue #28653 Validation of BOM screen occurring during ""Cancel""
- Fixed issue #28746 Cannot issue material batch to WO
- Fixed issue #28800 Lot Serial Characteristics Issue
- Fixed issue #28839 Sub. type code displaying incorrect value on COA
- Fixed issue #28868 Cash receipt in differing currency does not work correctly
- Fixed issue #28896 Unable to release a work order in distribution empty database.
- Fixed issue #28899 Able to select Standard cost although turned off in Inventory Setup
- Fixed issue #28903 Workflow activities not displayed in 'Workflow Activities' screen for purchase order when it is released at time of creation
- Fixed issue #28905 'Cannot save work order' dialog is displayed while trying to open any work order which has priority set to other than '1'.
- Fixed issue #28906 ‘One or more items cant be issued due to insufficient inventory’ dialog is displayed on issuing materials with enough QoH
- Fixed issue #28907 Able to issue materials even though QOH of the regular type item is zero.
- Fixed issue #28908 No warning message is displayed when issuing average costing item having qoh as zero.
- Fixed issue #29058 Checks not printing after 4.10 upgrade
- Fixed issue #29076 Item characteristics duplicated when quote converted
- Fixed issue #29133 Db log error is displayed on releasing purchase order in distribution empty database
- Fixed issue #29137 Reports defs' grade > 0 for core report def aftern migration and in ref DB
- Fixed issue #29173 GL Transactions report
- Fixed issue #29226 Mistake on postcashreceipt function
- Fixed issue #29238 DB log error is displayed on editing a line item in 'Purchase Order' screen.
- Fixed issue #29251 Credit Card Receipt error - decimal precision
- Fixed issue #29330 Ledger Control Values Incorrect
- Fixed issue #29358 pg_restore reports errors when refreshing xtdash materialized views
- Fixed issue #29361 Error Voiding an Invoice
- Fixed issue #29408 itemsite_value is not updated if standard cost is deleted.
- Fixed issue #29444 Web-enabled Extensions cannot install the ""foundation-database/manifest.js""
- Fixed issue #29497 XT.Data.fetch default ORDER BY gets base table primary key column, not ORM view primary key column
- Fixed issue #29532 AR Memo Base Equ does not change
- Fixed issue #29550 Financial Report error
- Fixed issue #29619 xtdash Materialized Views dropped when updating database to 4.11.0Beta
- Fixed issue #29633 New MasterCard BIN
What’s Next?
xTuple has already started work on xTuple ERP+CRM version 4.11.0. The primary focus for the 4.11.0 development cycle will be performance improvements throughout the Desktop Client. xTuple has identified a number of bottlenecks in the application and is working hard to remove them. In addition to these speed increases, we will continue moving more Workflow Management features into the Desktop Client and rework Inventory transactions to support a new native mobile app for Inventory.