The xTuple Server is a powerful toolkit for installation and administration of Web-enabled xTuple ERP instances. This week, the xTuple Server evolved into a fully public open source project. All the information you need to run xTuple Server is now located in a public GitHub repository at https://github.com/xtuple/xtuple-server/wiki.
We used to have a private repo called xtuple-server-commercial, but that code has been rolled into the public xtuple-server repo. We wanted to make sure that all customers, partners, and open source users have access to the same set of useful tools for managing web-enabled xTuple. And remember, web-enabled xTuple is fully compatible with the xTuple desktop client.
In fact, the xTuple Server is now part of what makes the desktop client great! Desktop-client-based customers can now do everything they had been able to do, but now they can have a world-class B2B or B2C online storefront with orders streaming in, and they can implement a paperless warehouse with our mobile inventory solution, and have improved, web-based accessibility for their salespeople on the road.
The xTuple Server toolkit is still a relatively new product, undergoing rapid evolution. Here are a few facts about it:
- The install process is quite different if you're on an xTuple Server or a traditional server. Those differences are best described here: https://github.com/xtuple/xtuple/wiki/Implementer's-Guide-to-the-xTuple-Server
- The xTuple Server includes both command line (CLI) and graphical interfaces for managing xTuple instances on a server
- The xTuple Server provides a prescribed path for installing secure web access using SSL certificates
- The xTuple Server installs all the components needed to allow web-based access to the xTuple database. Remember, you are also able to connect to the same database with the xTuple Desktop client. The two clients are interoperable
- The xTuple Server installs components that are needed for xTupleCommerce, our Web storefront that interfaces directly with xTuple ERP. Learn more at xTupleCommerce
- The xTuple Server installs a REST API that can be used to connect custom and 3rd party applications to xTuple. Learn more at https://github.com/xtuple/xtuple/wiki/xTuple's-REST-API