xTupler #31 | September 2013

Dear Community —
Lots to share with you in this autumn in the U.S. edition of the xTupler -- my favorite time of year. Weather cools, American football season kicks off, the kids go back to school, and, of course, here at xTuple, we try to find creative and fun ways to engage with you, our community -- and hopefully give a little something back in thanks for all your support.
First, we look forward to see many of you in person for our inaugural user conference next month. xTupleCon's full agenda is published and just a few seats remain. xTupleCon WILL sell out, so please make your plans soon! If your travel plans are flexible, please join us for some social time -- on Wednesday, October 9th for the "xTuple Open" golf outing (best ball format, don't worry!) and a private event at a local brewery that evening.
Now for our #1 most Frequently Asked Question (FAQ): How can I be involved in PostBooks development if I'm not a coder, and I don't have a huge budget?
Feature Mob -- we created this crowd-sourcing concept for new software features several years ago, when 57 different community members participated to help us add integrated email to our xTuple Connect product. Contributors received the finished product for a fraction of the final price, AND a seat at the feature-design table to boot!
"Feature Mob 2" is a bigger, better version -- not one, but 30 features you've asked for over the years. Several different levels of sponsorship -- and some absolutely crazy deals -- are offered as thank-you gifts, including the latest version of that same xTuple Connect, the super-powerful Enhanced Commissions module, and a previously unavailable 5-user perpetual license to xTuple Enterprise for just $10,000 (regular price, if we even sold it for less than 10 users, would be over $25k).
If enough of you sponsor Feature Mob 2, all 30 new features will be available in the free PostBooks Edition. Even if you're not able to take advantage of one of the higher levels, this is your chance to chip in a smaller amount to support the project -- and still get some great gear as a thank-you gift.
And the first 100 contributors at any level get an additional gift: a super-cool "X" logo ball cap (pictured below). Jump into the Mob today!!
In other news, you've still got a couple weeks to take advantage of our fall promotion on Upgrading to a Commercial Edition of xTuple ERP -- up to 35% off -- if you're upgrading from any other version (even PostBooks).
And finally -- this is what journalists call "burying the lead" -- did you hear that version 4.1 of xTuple is now available? We've included great new features for manufacturers and distributors in the Desktop client and added the Sales module to the Mobile Web client. Now, mobile users can develop sales prospects, issue a quote, and convert the quote to an actual sales order in the ERP back home -- all while having access to the full complement of customer information, such as credit status and historical sales. Plus, 4.1 incorporates an integration of the Pentaho open source business intelligence suite for deep-dive analytics -- and some cool new dashboard displays as well!
And, did we mention you can now install the Mobile Web suite on-site? (The code was always available, if you wanted to do it yourself, and now we have a packaged offering to do it for you. For more information, contact sales@xtuple.com.)
Told you it was a lot! Thanks for reading to the end, scroll down for even more, and thanks again for your support of the world's #1 open source ERP.

Ned Lilly
President and CEO
- Feature Mob 2 \new\
- Upgrade Rewards
- Consulting Specials
- Customer Corner
- Partner Feature
- xTupleCon \last call\
- FREE Webinars
- Final 2013 Training
- Project Management Online
- Commercial open source comes of age
- Open-source-savvy business says
- Feature Mob 2: Making PostBooks Everything You Want it to Be
- We've moved! (to GitHub)
- Free trial of integrated Desktop & Mobile Web clients!
- Save up to 35% & welcome Ellen!
Where's Wally? Talking Training in Washington, DC

Director of Training Mike Atherton conducts this intensive 4-day session focused on getting the most out of xTuple by taking advantage of its advanced capabilities.
Learn more about the November 2013 in-class training at xTuple HQ.
Check out Professional Services discounts available through end of 2013.
World's #1 open source enterprise resource planning Software Company kicks-off second community development initiative - "Flash Mob" for new features
BONUS - xTuple "X" Embroidered Logo Ball Cap for the First 100 Contributors
U.S. Tax Deduction || Section 179

Important Update for the 2013 Tax Year
Write-off 100% of your business software needs
Section 179 limits for tax year 2013 -- increased by the 'American Taxpayer Relief Act' -- allows businesses to write-off up to $500,000 of qualified capital expenditures subject to a dollar-for-dollar phase-out -- including purchased or leased Software.
This means a substantial boost to your bottom line in 2013.
But, to get the deduction for tax year 2013, you have to act soon. To take advantage of this deduction, your Section 179 Qualified Financing and Software or equipment must be in service on or before December 31, 2013.
- Yes, your Software qualifies for Sec. 179
- Section 179 Calculator
- What is the Deduction?
- What qualifies for Section 179 Deduction?
- Difference in Bonus Depreciation?
- Can I lease my Software and still qualify?
- How do I take the Deduction?
Take advantage of legal tax incentives to help lower your operating costs.
Section 179 can no longer increase your 2013 profits once the clock strikes midnight on December 31, 2013.
Act now! Questions? Contact xTuple Sales Team
xTupleR Staffer Feature

Account Executive
Long overdue is this formal introduction to Stacey, who joined us in May 2012, to launch xTuple xWD into the Distribution marketplace. He came to xTuple from DTG (Distribution Technology Group), where he served as founder and president.
Stacey has a B.A. in Psychology, which suits him well in his sales career. He's well known for his ERP Superhero look, even sporting much-requested autograph cards at shows and conferences!
He maintains professional memberships with the American Marketing Association and the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED).
Stacey lives in Virginia Beach with his wife, Marguerite, and a spoiled Maltese, Penelope. In addition to the deep relationships he maintains with the distributor community, Stacey also loves music, dabbling in song-writing and playing guitar.
xTuple Partner Feature: ICE Systems

Stefan Zauchenberger, president and managing partner of ICE Systems, found xTuple through an IT client, XIKAR, who was already an xTuple customer. As ICE dug deep into the xTuple product, they found it to be a compelling solution, one that might be valuable to other customers. A big proponent of open source software, ICE liked the fact that xTuple was open source, and Linux-based on the server side.
"When I compare what some of the other open source companies have done as far as leveraging open source, I don't think it compares. I don't think it could hold a candle to what xTuple has done ... a product of really extraordinary features, functionality and quality. So it's really almost a poster child of what open source can do for the development and growth of a product," said Zauchenberger.
xTuple Customer Corner: EMSEAL Joint Systems, LTD

Based in Massachusetts and Ontario, EMSEAL has provided sealant and expansion joint systems for some of the world's most famous structures, such as the Empire State Building, the Guggenheim Museum, Lambeau Field, and the Mall of America.
EMSEAL management researched several legacy business management software vendors, including SAP, Microsoft, Sage and Epicor, but ultimately chose xTuple after testing and piloting with the free and open source xTuple PostBooks, which has been downloaded by other companies in similar situations over one million times. Overall EMSEAL spent approximately six months of preliminary research and investigation followed by a year of intense piloting of xTuple capabilities, closely following xTuple's recommended implementation methodology.
The company, which had outgrown legacy system of spreadsheets and home-grown software, improved efficiency and accuracy in inventory control, purchasing and order entry with xTuple. Multiple corporate entities and complex sales commission structure drove significant code enhancements, aided by xTuple's open source flexibility. EMSEAL implemented xTuple ERP system on-time and under budget, at approximately 40% of the cost of other "big name" products.
Read the rest of the xTuple - EMSEAL story [case study].
Share your story as a featured xTuple Customer with xTuple's Marketing Department.

Training Classes at xTuple Headquarters:
November 11-15: Setup, Configuration & Operation || Register
Distance Learning Class:
December 3-4: Project Management and Implementation Methodologies (PMIM) || Register
Last chances for 2013 | Learn more about training: xTuple Knowledge Series.

September 11: Using xTuple for Service-Based Companies
September 18: Why Growing Companies need Mobile Business Intelligence
October 2: Introduction to xTuple ERP
October 16: xTuple for Accountants
November 6: CRM=Corporate Relationship Management
Webinars are held on Wednesdays at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT-05:00-US & Canada) or Find Your Time Zone. Each earns you one (1) CPE credit.
Contact us with your Topic Request.

Learn more about the xTuple Knowledge Series and view past events on xTuple's YouTube Channel.
Try xTuple ERP Enterprise Edition - the commercially-licensed offering with both Mobile Web and Desktop applications - all unlimited features hosted for 30 days. Enterprise in the Cloud [FREE TRIAL]
About xTuple
Grow Your World® with the world's #1 open source ERP — the award-winning provider of commercial open source business management software for small- to mid-sized companies. Connect with the company, including the developer and partner community, at xTuple.com.