xTupler #30 | June 2013

FREE TRIAL Access xTuple ERP Enterprise Edition - the commercially-licensed offering with both Mobile Web and Desktop applications - all unlimited features hosted for 30 days. Enterprise in the Cloud [FREE TRIAL]

Dear Community —
If you've been around xTuple for a while, you probably used our Hosted Demo service at one point. While you've always been able to download the xTuple client, and set up your own PostBooks database locally, many people find it helpful to use the same client to connect to a hosted instance of their own xTuple Enterprise database.
We're pleased to announce the successor to that program - our Free Trial and Cloud 2.0 service.
For the first time, you are able to evaluate both the Desktop client AND the new Mobile Web client - on the same database, hosted on one of several cloud servers around the world (for optimal service, you have the option to select the data center nearest you).
Actually, you will have TWO databases - the familiar Demo database with the ProDiem Toy Truck Company - and a QuickStart database you use to start setting up your own company, from scratch.
Best of all, you can move seamlessly from the Free Trial QuickStart to a live production database in the new, expanded xTuple Cloud service. Go live with an xTuple Cloud system with as few as one user and any Edition of xTuple (PostBooks, Standard, Manufacturing or Enterprise).
You will need the new version 4.0.5 client to take advantage of the new system. For more details, visit the Free Trial launch page.
In other exciting community news, we are planning our very first xTuple global user conference. Building on two years of very successful partner-only conferences in 2011 and 2012, xTupleCon 2013 will be held in Norfolk, Virginia, from October 10-12.
xTupleCon's goal is to bring together customers, consultants and users from around the globe - collaborating individually and as a group - to learn new things, share best practices and identify ways we here at xTuple can better serve you.
We are currently accepting presentation proposals. Here's a sampling of some of the topics people have already suggested:
- Automated Data Transfer between Databases
- Custom Module Development
- Integrating xTuple with 'XYZ' Software
- Web Portal B2C
- Advanced PostgreSQL
- Business Intelligence
- Trends and Opportunities in Retail
- Implementation Best Practices
Submit your proposal today, and make sure to register by July 15 for the early-bird discount. We can't wait to see you all in Norfolk in October!
Thanks again for your support of the world's #1 open source ERP.

Ned Lilly
President and CEO
- FREE TRIAL \new\
- NextGen Award
- Customer Corner
- Partner Feature
- xTupleCon \early bird deal\
- FREE Webinars
- Training in DC
- Accounting 101 Online
- Sales Type - New Twist on Commissions
- New Extension - Advanced Purchasing Authorizations
- PS - Web Services & xTuple Desktop Client
- Developer Preview - xTuple Business Intelligence
- xWD Report - Electrical Distributor's launchpad
- Opensource.com - ProjectLibre edges in on Microsoft Project dominance
- All About the Cloud - Part One | Part Two
Where's Wally? Taking xWD Distribution to Beantown USA (Boston)

The National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) National Meeting held this May in Boston, Massachusetts, was another excellent example of how a national association helps its members, especially with embracing technology. NAED has a robust Allied Partner Program, of which xTuple is an active part.
xTuple VP of Sales Wally Tonra attended with Stacey Pandeloglou, Account Executive, who blogged about his experience. According to Stacey, xTuple is right in the middle of technology and its generational change, especially since our business management software runs on Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac and modern mobile platforms, making it easier for small and large, young and old, technical and not-so-technical, to work together.
Read Stacey's generational blog post about xTuple, xWD and NAED.
Learn more about xTuple solutions for Distribution.
xTuple Accolades: 2013 NextGen Software Industry Award

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) held their All About the Cloud (AATC) event in San Francisco in early May. At the annual honors ceremony, VP Business Development Marc O'Brien accepted xTuple's NextGen award, recognizing the company as one of the 2013 "Top Ten" most innovative companies transforming the software and services industry. More on the SIIA NextGen Awards. [xTuple's SIIA press release]
Marc spoke on a panel with four CEOs of 'cloud only' companies and was interviewed several times about how xTuple's hybrid model (hosted "public cloud" or on-site "private cloud," with the ability to move back and forth seamlessly) is delivering innovation and value for customers.
As a side-note, Marc also continues to serve as project lead for ProjectLibre recognized as challenging Microsoft Project's dominance. Here is his recent interview with OpenSource.com about ProjectLibre and xTuple riding the wave of open source success.
Read Marc's blog posts about xTuple and SIIA's All About the Cloud.
Watch Marc's videos, including the CEO-Cloud Panel, from SIIA's All About the Cloud.
xTupleR Staffer Feature

Cam Hagan,
Sales Associate
Proving your mettle as an intern can net you a full-time gig! That's happened more than once at xTuple, and Cam Hagan is one of the latest success stories.
Interning at xTuple's HQ since Fall 2012, Cam became a full-fledged xTupler this past January. He pre-qualifies leads and works on various marketing and business development projects.
Cam graduated from Virginia Military Institute, September 15, 2012, with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business. In his "spare" time, he plays with the Men's B/BB Volleyball league at the Virginia Beach Field House. The Hagan household consists of his bride (May 26, 2012) Mary Alice and Riley, a 95-pound black lab.
xTuple Marketplace "xChange"
by Paladin Logic, xTuple Gold Level - Elite Partner
To better manage our business - and our lives - we want all of our information available in an easily accessible form - all in one place.
With so much happening in an xTuple system, the team at Paladin Logic jumped forward and developed the ERP Calendar for all Editions of xTuple (version 3.7.4 and higher), including the free and open source version of PostBooks.
The ERP Calendar is an installable, easy-to-configure extension that combines sixteen different crucial business planning documents - including work orders, sales orders, purchase orders, projects and ToDo items - in monthly, weekly and daily views.
Enhance your CRM (Customer/Corporate Relationship Management) functionality - including the ability to view and manage multiple sales reps directly from the ERP Calendar integrated with the full xTuple application.
- Watch the ERP Calendar Demo Video with Paladin Logic's Will Bralick
- Read more at NextBusinessBlog.com
Available now in the xTuple Marketplace "xChange" - only $49
xTuple Partner Feature: Beardon Services

"We've always been big open source proponents, so this seemed like a perfect fit," said Aaron Bean, a consultant with Beardon Services. "For the size of their company, xTuple seemed to have the largest feature set."
Beardon Services is a boutique technology consulting business. They deal prominently with Oklahoma State University and do the kind of projects the school has a difficult time hiring the technical expertise to do such as programming projects and network management.
We caught up with Aaron at a recent training class.
xTuple Customer Corner: Distributor - Kemp Electric Supply

Founded in 1938 to serve the needs of Western Ohio, the Kemp Electric Supply team is dedicated to providing wholesale electrical supplies and equipment materials to local customers.
After his company outgrew their old business management software, Kevin Biltz of Kemp Electric Supply Co. embarked on a search for a replacement. Biltz knew he needed more - and better - information from his internal systems. He was wary of older systems acquired over time by legacy vendors such as Epicor, Sage and Infor. Exorbitant costs, unreasonable time to implement and notable deficiencies in vendor support were well-known problems in the distribution software marketplace.
From selection to implementation, Kemp Electric was running their business with xTuple ERP within 90 days. Read the rest of the xTuple - Kemp Electric story [case study].
Share your story as a featured xTuple Customer with xTuple's Marketing Department.

Training Classes in Washington, DC:
August 12-16: Setup, Configuration & Operation || Register
August 19-22: Power User Training || Register
Distance Learning Class:
July 16: Accounting for Non-Accountants (ACCT) || Register
Learn more about training: xTuple Knowledge Series.

July 10: Distribution & Inventory Control
July 17: xTuple for Accountants
August 7: Manufacturing & Inventory Control Functionality
August 21: Advanced Tips for Accounting with xTuple
September 11: Using xTuple for Service-Based Companies
Webinars are held on Wednesdays at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT-05:00-US & Canada) or Find Your Time Zone. Each earns you one (1) CPE credit.
Contact us with your Webinar Topic Request.

Learn more about the xTuple Knowledge Series and view past events on xTuple's YouTube Channel.
About xTuple
Grow Your World® with the world's #1 open source ERP — the award-winning provider of commercial open source business management software for small- to mid-sized companies. Connect with the company, including the developer and partner community, at xTuple.com.