Open source ERP leader forges relationship with metal forming and fabricating industry
xTuple, the business management software company, revisits their "metal" roots, helping metal processing manufacturers and their distribution partners reshape their businesses, much like their products. xTuple vice president of sales, Wally Tonra, attends and presents at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International®, the premier organization advocating for the growth and sustainability of the North American metal processing, forming, and fabricating industries.
Manufacturing operations professionals — metal fabricators and processers — gather at the membership's leadership summit this February 24-26, 2016, at Paradise Point Resort & Spa in San Diego, California.
xTuple's focus on manufacturers is more appropriate than ever. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, manufacturers contribute $2.17 trillion to the U.S. economy. For every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, another $1.40 is added, the highest multiplier effect of any economic sector.
And xTuple offers a complete — and scalable — software solution for manufacturers whether their business represents a hybrid process juggling fabrication, complete assembly, in-house product lines, and/or contract work; an OEM manufacturer; or a Job Shop.
Mission-driven to help companies of all sizes successfully implement powerful, and easy-to-use, open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to grow their business profitably, xTuple now delivers direct self-service, 24/7 around-the-clock access, from anywhere in the world to an organization's business partners and customers.

Mixed-mode manufacturers who want to drive more profitable companies seek business software solutions that increase shop floor efficiencies, dynamically manage inventory, speed order processing, automate purchasing requirements, and ultimately, reduce costs.
"Rapid disruption that leads to permanent change is rampant in the North American manufacturing sector, and competing online is leading the innovation. Manufacturers can better compete and succeed by growing their business — by delivering more personalized service to their customers online — with digital tools such as xTupleCommerce," said Tonra, who will be demonstrating the product at FMA's annual meeting.
xTuple ERP empowers every enterprise to become a truly digital business with eCommerce — seamlessly connecting online, retail, wholesale, supplier, inside and outside sales. xTupleCommerce is a robust business application used by organizations doing large business transactions.
xTupleCommerce users report new monthly sales in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, from both existing and new customers.
Manufacturers with Customer Service and Sales Representatives use xTupleCommerce to represent many customers of their own and make real-time purchases on behalf of each customer. This allows for fast and efficient order-processing with notifications, special pricing, and more upsell opportunities. Managers may also log in and see each customer's pending orders, saved carts, current cart of items, shipping addresses, etc., and even process an order on behalf of a customer.
xTupleCommerce customers report that their customers find the system to be efficient, intuitive, and much less an eCommerce site than a customer service-oriented business tool. There is no learning curve, ramp-up time, or training required. New customers go “live” with their xTupleCommerce site and start seeing the benefit in increased revenue and improved customer satisfaction.
Traditional eCommerce systems can charge upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars, while the cost of xTupleCommerce can be recouped with the increase in revenue achieved in just one year, an impressive return-on-investment (ROI).
"When the sites go-live and orders start coming in overnight, or from buyers that the website owner has never met, it becomes obvious to our customer that xTupleCommerce is a 24-hour sales machine," said Josh Fischer, manager of xTuple Web Services Group.
xTupleCommerce is available as a quick and basic, templated site or as a large-scale, customized project, and a sample site is available for guided demonstrations.
xTuple is a proud member of Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International® , the premier organization advocating for the growth and sustainability of the North American metal processing, forming, and fabricating industries, and is also a 2016 sponsor for the FMA's Annual Meeting and The FABRICATOR®’s Leadership Summit.
#Opensource #ERP joins Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International® | LINK @FMAmembership
#Opensource #ERP leader forges relationship with metal forming and fabricating industry | LINK
#Manufacturing operations professionals get first look at integrated #ERP & #eCommerce | LINK #FMMtg16
#OpenSource xTuple at #metalforming #fabrication Leadership Event | LINK @FMAmembership
Manufacturers can be digital businesses too @xTupleCommerce | LINK via @xTupleCommerce
#ENSW #ERP #CRM #manufacturing #distribution #logistics #eCommerce #opensource #FMMtg16
About The Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA)
FMA is a professional organization of individual and company members working together to improve the metal forming and fabricating industry. Founded in 1970, FMA brings metal fabricators and equipment manufacturers together through technology councils, educational programs, networking events, and FABTECH.
FMA serves members involved in the following processes: bending, blanking, cutting, drawing, extruding, fastening, finishing, leveling, piercing, punching, roll forming, shearing, slitting, spinning, straightening, stamping, swaging, and welding. Membership spans the United States, Canada and Mexico, and reaches into more than 30 other countries. Learn more at
About xTuple, the world’s #1 open source ERP
BOSSIE/Best of Open Source Awards 2015: xTuple named InfoWorld's top pick in open source business applications — they're the engines behind every modern business. Read more about BOSSIE Awards.
Award-winning xTuple, makers of the world’s leading suite of open source accounting, Corporate Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), is supply chain management software for growing businesses to control their operations and profitability. xTuple integrates all critical functional areas in one modular system: sales, financials and operations — including customer and supplier management, inventory control, manufacturing and distribution — the powerful tools to Grow Your World®.
As a commercial open source company, xTuple works with a global community of tens of thousands of professional users. xTuple gives customers the ability to tailor solutions with multi-platform support for Windows, Mac, Linux and mobile as well as flexible licensing and pricing options. Join the innovation conversation with the open source community at