ASSET STEM Education™ is a leading national science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education improvement nonprofit established by the Bayer Corporation and a coalition of community partners in 1994. We foster STEM fluency and college/career readiness by providing educators of all students Pre-K through career with highly-effective professional development, hands-on educational materials and consulting services. Our programs align with national and state educational standards and are results-oriented, research-grounded and inquiry-based.
Mission: To advance teaching and learning to engage, inspire and empower all students.
Vision: ASSET STEM Education will equip educators with effective tools and strategies to create innovative and relevant learning environments so all students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work, live and contribute in a global community.
Asset STEM Education received Top Open Source Community Award Announced at xTupleCon 2014
Business partners receive accolades for achievement in sales, technical expertise, implementation success, and customer support and satisfaction
Customer of the Year — Asset STEM Education, accepted by Rebecca Shapiro, Pennsylvania (USA) who started using the free and open source (FOSS) PostBooks® in 2008, subsequently upgrading to Manufacturing Edition and then Enterprise Edition, is also an early adopter of the xTupleCommerce Web portal — presented by xTuple CEO Ned Lilly.
ASSET is committed to delivering hands-on, minds-on professional development from initial design to final delivery.
The organization needed an easier online solution for their customers to access high-quality professional development and STEM materials.
ASSET chose a customized xTupleCommerce add-on to their Enterprise Edition of xTuple ERP to refresh their website and their "Services Online portal" to provide a more user-friendly and efficient experience.
The xTupleCommerce add-on gives ASSET's business partners and customers direct self-service, 24/7 access, from anywhere in the world. And it integrates ASSET's accounting, CRM and ERP with real-time eCommerce to improve marketing and operational efficiencies.

ASSET has solved their problems with a flexible system that molds to the changing needs of their industry. The new eCommerce website improves customer relationships, while increasing efficiency and the non-profit’s bottom line.
The new self-service portal reaps multiple benefits, listed below, for ASSET and their customers.
- Review detailed product information
- Manage account information and view past and pending orders
- View scheduled events and courses, purchase seats and register educators
- Download invoices
"I'm Rebecca Shapiro. I'm the director of business applications at ASSET, Inc., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We are an organization that is nonprofit, and we are helping elementary school teachers and middle school teachers learn to teach hands-on science in the Pennsylvania school districts and charter schools. We've been in business for fifteen (15) years. A part of our service in addition to training the teachers on how to use hands-on science materials we also refurbish those materials so that the teachers don't have to run to the dollar store to get the various materials to do the experiments. That refurbishment process is a warehousing application, and we had a need to track a lot of inventory, to do work order and sales order, and order fulfillment processing."
"I would say maybe five (5) years ago, xTuple was selected, and about three (3) years ago, we really started to use it for that particular area of the organization, and we are only now getting our finance team to join the group in terms of consolidating all of our information. We had come from a Microsoft Office, Excel, Access applications environment, and the finance team was using QuickBooks until the close of the last fiscal year. This level of business application is new to the organization."
"We've really taken advantage of the features in xTuple. We've implemented the Web Portal to do a business-to-consumer (B2C) shopping cart kind of interface for our sales orders."
"We're using Project Accounting to track our funds. We're a nonprofit, and so we have very specific funding requirements, and Project Accounting has worked very well for that."
"I came from a Microsoft application world, and I have found that working with open source is a very different environment, but nice in that you can really get in there and customize and make things the way you need it without having to incur the expenses of having someone else customize your system. Everything has been from a developer's perspective - pretty intuitive and easy to learn. So it's the extendability that's good for us."